Fischer Eier GmbH


About the Company

Fischer Eier GmbH

The sole proprietorship Stefan + Thomas Fischer is run by the third generation and is therefore a family business steeped in tradition.


We deliver 80% of the shell eggs from our 11,000 laying hens and contracted suppliers to end consumers in the region and 20% to resellers.

Fischer Eier

The upstream production takes place on exclusive contract farms, primarily in the region. We maintain long-term relationships with farmers, sometimes over several generations. All companies are subject to regular checks regarding defined framework conditions.


In addition to shell eggs, we have been producing liquid and frozen egg products since 1999.


We employ 15 people, including one apprentice. And we are very proud to have counted the majority of them among our valuable employees for many years.

Our principles
We put the needs and interests of our customers at the center of our daily work. It is of fundamental importance to us to protect our customers’ image as best as possible at all times and – to the extent that we can contribute – to maintain it. Accordingly, we see ourselves as a cooperative link between egg producers and customers.

Company history
The sole proprietorship was founded in 1931 by grandfather Hans Fischer. In addition to the cheese dairy, he set up an egg production facility. Today we, Stefan + Thomas Fischer, keep 11,000 free-range laying hens.


The sole proprietorship Stefan + Thomas Fischer is run by the third generation and is therefore a family business steeped in tradition.


In addition to shell eggs, we have been producing liquid and frozen egg products since 1999.

In 2009 we decided to invest in egg products. We acquired property in Malters and founded Fischer Eier GmbH. The new egg products factory in Malters was put into operation on August 1, 2012 after intensive planning and construction work. It has a capacity of 5,000 – 6,000 tons/year and can be expanded to 10,000 – 12,000 tons.

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