Gallus Group


About the Company

Feed production

Each year, Gallus Group produces 24 thousand tonnes of feed for its broiler chickens in its feed mixing plant. The feed is hygienised and de-salmonised at high temperatures, and its quality is constantly inspected in the company’s own laboratory.

Parent pair rearing
We are committed to ensuring the highest quality hybrid meat breeding pairs, as this is the basis for producing high quality hatching eggs. Each year we rear around 650,000 breeding pairs, which the company keeps in nearly 200 poultry houses. This represents more than 25 percent of the domestic production. The hatching eggs produced by the breeding pairs are sent to the Gallus Group hatcheries.

The eggs from our own breeding pairs are hatched in-house and sold as day-old chicks on the domestic and export markets. Our broiler day-old chick hatcheries in Devecser and Bábolna have been modernised with the help of EU funding to incorporate the most advanced hatching technology. As a result, we now have one of the largest and most modern broiler hatcheries in Hungary. The group has two more hatcheries in Zala County. Our hatcheries have a combined capacity to hatch 125 million eggs.

Broiler chicken rearing
As part of a full integration operation, we raise our broiler chickens ourselves. Our rearing activities are carried out to the highest quality standards and under constant quality control. We pay particular attention to the quality of the feed, we do not feed the chickens animal protein and we seek the optimum housing conditions. We monitor the health status of our birds under constant veterinary control and with a veterinary laboratory background. It is of paramount importance to us that the birds live a healthy life in a good environment.

At our sites, we have installed a security and remote monitoring system that constantly monitors the conditions to ensure that they are in compliance with the regulations, sending an immediate alert to the security centre if it detects any faults or sub-optimal conditions. All measurement results and values are available retrospectively, ensuring that the high quality requirements are fully met on an ongoing basis.

Broiler chickens reared in our integration are processed in our slaughterhouse in Sárvár. This is where the group’s fresh and frozen products are made. In 2016, the Gallus Group invested more than HUF 1 billion in the slaughterhouse, which will enable the slaughter of 15 million broilers per year. In addition to the development of the slaughterhouse, the product range is also being continuously expanded: in line with market demand, we have increased the volume of fresh products in equalised protective gas packaging and the sale of premium products. Every year, new processing and packaging machines are added to the Sárvár slaughterhouse, while production volumes are also constantly increasing.

Oven ready products
We produce our seasoned grill and minced meat convenience food products in the Bakonypölöske processing plant in protective gas and vacuum packed packaging, which can be found mainly in large Hungarian retail chains.

We pay particular attention to product development, which means that every year we are able to introduce new products together with our partners.


In 2014, Gallus Group entered the market with the brand ” Our Chicken “, which guarantees the consumer quality Hungarian chicken meat. Our aim is to produce high quality chicken meat under strictly controlled conditions, at an exceptionally high technological level, using impeccable feed, the production of which we supervise from egg hatching to final processing. To achieve this, we have selected exceptionally good ingredients from pure sources and created a range of healthy and tasty dishes that are quick and easy to prepare. This is “Our Chicken”. This brand guarantees that the fresh, frozen or seasoned chicken in your shopping basket has been reared by Hungarian hands, from Hungarian eggs, hatched in Hungary, raised to the highest standards, under constant veterinary supervision, fed healthy, controlled feed free of animal protein and yield enhancers.

Our product portfolio also includes meat from our non-GMO, 50% corn-fed chickens, raised on small integrated farms in Croatia with decades of expertise.

All our customers can be sure that everyone will be licking their fingers after our chicken. As the ultimate fruit of the Gallus Group’s labour, our main goal is to ensure that at the end of a strictly controlled and dedicated process, our customers receive a healthy, tasty poultry product that is quick and easy to prepare.


In Hungary, Gallus Group is a supplier to the chains Lidl, Auchan and Penny Market. As our motto says: “More than 2.5 million consumers cook with our chicken every day in Hungary”.

In addition to the chains’ own brand products, we also focus on the distribution of our own products packaged under the brand name “Our Chicken” to make it even easier for our satisfied customers to find them on the shelves of stores. In addition to our chain presence, we also supply COOP and CBA stores and smaller shops in the Transdanubian region, and we also serve the public catering sector in the region. In addition to supplying domestic shops, we export fresh and frozen goods on a weekly basis, primarily to Croatia, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. We are a strategic partner of several further processing plants. We supply the plants of PICK Szeged Zrt. and Efef Kft. with the necessary raw materials for further processing to ensure the best possible quality for the excellent products they produce. Our partners typically prioritise quality over price. Thanks to controlled integration, high quality raw materials and high quality products produced in the processing plant using advanced technology, our partners consider Gallus Group to be a reliable, balanced supplier and are happy to work with us.

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