VM Srl


About the Company

VM Srl
VM srl was born in 2001 from the will of the founding partners Maini Anna Teresa and Veronesi Andrea, a desire aimed at establishing a reality in the Ferrara consultancy panorama aimed at supporting companies in the workplace safety and hygiene sector.

VM srl brings together the experience of expert technicians in the field of workplace safety and hygiene, who have already been operating in the sector for several years and are able to provide in-depth, already tested and effective know-how for the assistance of the firm’s client companies . When the company was established, the customers of the founding members were also channeled and managed by a single entity, mainly operating in the areas of Ferrara, Bologna, Rimini and in the Republic of San Marino.

To date, the company serves many customers on subscription, distributed across the most varied production sectors, primary, secondary and tertiary.

Company policy.
VM srl’s main purpose is to assist its customers in the management of workplace safety and hygiene implementation activities for each company it serves. The objective is to consolidate the relationship with its customers over the years by presenting itself as a solid and reliable partner over time.

The professionalism of the company.
In addition to the two founding partners, VM srl makes use of other collaborators, who make up the company’s operational staff on a permanent basis. These are senior prevention technicians, operating in the company since 2002, and junior prevention technicians. Established, constant professionalism that has contributed over the years to consolidating the relationship with customers.

The company’s customers
The company’s customers are constantly visited, year after year, and are followed on the basis of an assistance contract with tacit renewal. For many of these, over half of them, the firm has the pleasure of being able to follow them for over 20 years through a consultancy relationship that is organized at the beginning of each year through a written program, sent to each client, in which they are identify the activities to be carried out, the intervention times, the actors of these interventions. All this in order to invest in prevention through planning of activities.

The company’s operational tools
Over the past years, numerous operational tools have been developed in the company that allow the management of work activities. First of all, the worker information and training program. This program, conceived in 1997, protected through SIAE filing, is an indispensable educational support for all information, education and training activities aimed at workers. It allows it to be composed according to the risk profile of the workers, to verify the level of understanding through various verification tests and to constitute a solidly tested support for the training of workers.

The second important tool is the timetable Version 1.0, 2.0. The first constitutes a self-verification system, by all the companies in the study, of their own documentary deadlines, the second allows you to verify all company deadlines relating to worker training coverage. This second tool is already in harmony with the State-Regions training agreements of 2011 and 2012 regarding the training of workers, managers and supervisors and users of equipment.

These tools have been further refined in versions 3.0 and 4.0 which today allow us to precisely and preventively manage all the deadlines that the companies we follow are called upon to respond to.

The main company activities
From February 2001 to today: Birth of the company VM srl operating in the sector of prevention and protection in the field of safety and hygiene at work with a fleet of several hundred companies followed.

Headquarters risk assessments (DVR).
Construction site risk assessments and related safety plans
Fire risk assessments
Explosion risk assessments
Chemical risk assessments
Evaluations with sampling of airborne pollutants (in accordance with the UNI 689/99 standard)
Noise ratings
Vibration assessments
Artificial Optical Radiation Evaluations
Electromagnetic Field Evaluations (activity managed with external support)
Training of workers in all sectors
Fire prevention training for low, medium and high risk activities
First aid training (activity managed with external support)
Equipment training (excavators, loaders, aerial platforms, forklifts, cranes)
Specialist training (live electrical work, confined spaces, third category fall-prevention PPE and self-contained breathing apparatus, rope rescue systems).
Assistance to companies WITHOUT playing the role of RSPP
Assistance to companies WITH Assumption of the role of RSPP for all ATECO sectors with the exception of the public sector.

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